Data Analysis

Tools & Processes

Combined Data Cleaning Process Summary

G = Google

M = Microsoft

Create a backup copy of the original data (M)

Create a tab at the beginning of the Sheet and name it <START HERE>, <README> or something similar. Use the <START HERE> tab to document:

Import the data from an external source (M)

Do tasks that don't require column manipulation:

Transpose the data (G)

Processes / Tools needing further research:

CountIF: if a value is above or below a certain range ie membership costs below or above the normal range.

LEN: the length of a text string.

LEFT / RIGHT: A set number of characters from the left side of a text string.

MID: A function that gives you a segment from the middle of a text string.

CONCATENATE:  A function that joins together two or more text strings.

TRIM: A function that removes leading, trailing, and repeated spaces in data.



Import the data from an external source (M)

Create a backup copy of the original data (M)

Ensure data is in tabular (rows and columns) format (M)

Do tasks that don't require column manipulation first, such as spell-checking or using the Find and Replace dialog box. (M)

Next, do tasks that do require column manipulation. The general steps for manipulating a column are (M):

Process Summary - Google


10 Google Workspace tips to clean up data - Google

Process Summary - Microsoft

Import the data from an external source

Create a backup copy of the original data

Ensure data is in tabular (rows and columns) format

Do tasks that don't require column manipulation first, such as spell-checking or using the Find and Replace dialog box.

Next, do tasks that do require column manipulation. The general steps for manipulating a column are:


Top ten ways to clean your data - Microsoft