Dictionaries, Grammar & REference

Jagersma, Abraham Hendrick. "A Descriptive Grammar of Sumerian. Leiden University Scholarly Publications," September 11, 2022. https://scholarlypublications.universiteitleiden.nl/access/item%3A2961989/view.

Foxvog, Daniel A. "Elementary Sumerian Glossary," n.d., 76.

Zólyomi, Gábor. An Introduction to the Grammar of Sumerian. Budapest: Eötvös University Press, 2017.

“Introduction to Sumerian Grammar.” Accessed September 11, 2022. https://cdli.ucla.edu/pubs/cdlp/cdlp0002_20160104.pdf.

See also: Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative

“CDLI - Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative.” Accessed September 11, 2022. https://cdli.ucla.edu/.

“Sumerian Lexicon” Accessed September 11, 2022. https://www.sumerian.org/sumerian.pdf.

Book Shops

Cuneiform Digital Library Preprints

'…results of research in progress submitted, for inclusion in a preprint series hosted by the project, by experts in fields associated with Assyriology and Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology. '

“Cuneiform Digital Library Preprints.” Accessed September 11, 2022. https://cdli.ucla.edu/?q=cuneiform-digital-library-preprints.

Data | Reference

Understanding the data analytics project life cycle

"Understanding the Data Analytics Project List Cycle." Accessed January 8, 2023. https://pingax.com/understanding-data-analytics-project-life-cycle/

Etymology (/ˌɛtɪˈmɒlədʒi/)[1] is the study of the history of the form of words[2] and, by extension, the origin and evolution of their semantic meaning across time.[3] It is a subfield of historical linguistics, and draws upon comparative semantics, morphology, semiotics, and phonetics.

“Etymonline - Online Etymology Dictionary.” Accessed September 11, 2022. https://www.etymonline.com/.

Note this link needs to be checked & verified—06/19/22.

“List of Etymologies of Words.” Accessed September 11, 2022. https://www.ezglot.com/etymologies.php.

Online Etymology Dictionary

“SOURCES.” Accessed September 11, 2022. https://www.etymonline.com/columns/post/sources?utm_source=etymonline_footer&utm_medium=link_exchange.

Word Origins

Dictionary.com. “Dictionary.Com Is The World’s Favorite Online Dictionary.” Accessed September 11, 2022. https://www.dictionary.com/.

Catalog of Publications

“Catalog of Publications | The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago.” Accessed September 11, 2022. https://oi.uchicago.edu/research/catalog-publications.

The Oriental Institute Integrated Database Project (IDB)

“The Oriental Institute Integrated Database Project (IDB) | The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago.” Accessed September 11, 2022. https://oi.uchicago.edu/research/oriental-institute-integrated-database-project-idb.


 Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005:

The ETCSL project

Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Oxford

“ETCSLemesal.” Accessed September 11, 2022. https://etcsl.orinst.ox.ac.uk/cgi-bin/etcslemesal.cgi.

Research Archives - Library

“Research Archives - Library | The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago.” Accessed September 11, 2022. https://oi.uchicago.edu/research/research-archives-library.

The origin of language (spoken and signed, as well as language-related technological systems such as writing), its relationship with human evolution, and its consequences have been subjects of study for centuries.

“Origin of Language.” In Wikipedia, September 11, 2022. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Origin_of_language&oldid=1109667228.


Place header for dictionaries and information on Rhetoric.

“Word List: Definitions of Rhetorical Devices.” Accessed September 16, 2022. https://phrontistery.info/rhetoric.html"

Wikimedia Foundation for above site, please see Terms of Use

“Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki.” Accessed September 11, 2022. https://foundation.wikimedia.org/wiki/Home.

Search box allows searching by letter for Sumerian equivalent.

Sumerian Lexicon

Version 3.0 

Author: John A. Halloran

“Sumerian Lexicon.” Accessed September 11, 2022. https://www.sumerian.org/sumerlex.htm.

Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

“ETCSLhomepage.” Accessed September 11, 2022. https://etcsl.orinst.ox.ac.uk/.

General resources about / referencing Sumerian cuneiform, transliteration, verbs, and references.

“Wiktionary:About Sumerian.” In Wiktionary, August 18, 2022. https://en.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=Wiktionary:About_Sumerian&oldid=68664634.